Services: Fabrication, Design, Installation, Quality Control
Location: Casper, WY
In July 2020, CLS completed this set of extraction vessels for a customer. These stainless steel ASME code vessels vary in size and thickness and are rated for 1200 PSI. This multi-use vessel has more than one intended use. The first is to clean and impregnate clothing fibers with different chemicals to be water-proof and fire-retardant. The second is for the extraction of oils from miscellaneous products. Built for environmentally friendly technology that uses Co2 instead of water, this extraction unit recycles the Co2 to eliminate waste. The company this is fabricated for uses Co2, which has molecules smaller than the fibers in the material it is cleaning or extracting. This project, and others like it, have challenged the CLS team with finding new and more efficient ways of welding stainless steel. Over the past few years, we have improved our procedures and equipment making our fees very competitive and products safe and high quality. The end-result for the customer was a high-quality product and ongoing support from our service team.